Tag cybersecurity


HacktheBox (HTB) has provided another teachable moment with “RETIRED” HTB: ACCESS.htb; giving us the opportunity to develop existing skills, using cool tools and learning new concepts Let’s jump in but before we do so…please read the warning below. Public Service…

Hackable: II – VulnHub WriteUp

VulnHub has provided another teaching moment called Hackable: II by Elias Sousa; giving us the opportunity to develop existing skills, using cool tools and learning new concepts Let’s jump in but before we do so, Please read the warning below.…

Jetty 1 – VulnHub WriteUp

It’s that time again when we challenge our skills in an effort to learn something new daily and VulnHub has provided an opportunity yet again. Jetty 1 by MrSquid; giving us the opportunity to pay attention to details and use…

WarZone2 – VulnHub WriteUp

We may not know all things about penetration testing or hacking but what we do know is OUR WILLINGNESS to constantly share what we know with you. They are probably better ways to hack the VulnHub WarZone2 Virtual Machine (VM)…

Hogwarts – VulnHub WriteUp

As a Penetration Tester, the constant need to practice our skills is required in order to improve our penetration testing (PT) abilities. Thus, making this process a deliberate and willful one in order to be better at our craft, as…

Assemble Your Crew

Over the years, we constantly tell newcomers to the field of Information Technology (IT) Security to “GET INVOLVED” in the security community, but do we truly tell them how or where to begin? If you are new to a field…

IT Security Resume Workout Plan

The demand for Information Technology (IT) Security professionals is at a rapid growth based on various breaches. Organizations are looking for bright and resourceful personnel to fill these positions. This ultimately is driving recruitment of professional IT Security talent on…

So you want to be a hacker?

Most of the time I am binge watching Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, or some other instant gratification media platform. On the rare occasion that I’m out in these streets and talking to other professionals, the conversation always ends up at…

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